Thursday, May 8, 2014

A Small Window to The Past

Photographs and pictures are used to explain and define the thing that you see. Messages are sent through pictures. Pictures and photography play a big role in journalism. Without pictures the journalist cannot complete the news. One picture has many meanings. People have different arguments on a picture that they see. Not all the pictures are true, some of them are just fake. Some people believe that the camera always lies and that the photographers have many tricks. In my opinion, sometimes the camera does lie. The relationship between photographic images and the truth results in different arguments. Some people believe what they see in the pictures, but some people don't. It is hard to understand what is the message in the picture, or what does it mean.  Example of that, my brother and I were arguing on a picture that has a child sitting alone on the edge of the street. My brother said that the child is lost, but I told him that I think that he is homeless, so there is a lot of arguments and different opinions on pictures. Sometimes if you understand the picture well, it will show you reality. Some pictures makes you feel the thing that you are seeing in the picture. Example of that, a mother holding her dead child between her hands and the blood covering his/her body because of a war makes you feel sad. Truth in photography is always rough. The revolution in technology made it so easy to fake pictures and make them complicated. If you surf the web for pictures, you will see more than a million fake pictures, and people would find it difficult to know the truth whether the picture is true or fake. Some pictures are illusions like the pictures used in advertisements and commercials, example of that, a flying mini cooper which i saw yesterday. People would know that this picture is fake, because how would a car have real wings? On the other hand, faking a dead person in a picture, people would not know if this is fake or true, they will be complicated because of the sophisticated picture.  From the technology nowadays, photographers are able to add many benefits to the pictures, like making the colors sharper or adding clouds or sunlight to the picture, they can even add people to the picture. Some people believe that pictures means capturing the moment. Too many pictures are far away and different from reality. People thoughts are changing about what they see in the photographs, they are starting to lose their trust.  The people should have more information so they can believe the pictures. I think that even colors play a big role in photography, if the picture has many bright colors, I would not believe it as I believe in a black and white picture. The black and white color in a picture makes it more realistic. In the matter of fact, the news photographs makes the pictures more complicated and sophisticated for people because they edit them by cropping, or putting effects, or cleaning things up in the picture.  I believe that digital photography and printed photographs have their benefits and disadvantages, but I prefer digital photography because you it is updated more than the printed photographs, and it is faster. I have a professional camera to take pictures of natural places and capture moments. I do not like to change the colors or edit the pictures, because I like them the way they are. A friend of mine, Sara, have her own digital camera, and she take pictures of faces and beaches, but she edit them a lot in a program called Photoshop , and the pictures are very beautiful and colorful, but people know that they are fake and not natural. But sometimes the pictures are really realistic, but they are actually fake, so I believe that technology has advantages and disadvantages. Example of that, the benefits are the colors that makes you feel happy, but if the pictures are fake it may cause a lot of trouble, or it can cause wars. Digital photographs have a really bad disadvantage that you may lose all the pictures you took, while the printed photographs keep your pictures in a good condition. I remember my father showing me pictures of me when I was a baby with my family around me, they were not very clear or colorful, but they made me happy because I still have pictures of me which is a good benefit of printed photographs. Photographs are small windows that shows the past.

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